Friday, October 11, 2013

As the tropical monsoon rains start to fade and the October sun works its ways.....

It has not been an easy monsoon this year and surely not the usual one either, may be better termed as a season, which has been more-summer-than-monsoon. Sometimes, pouring heavily at other times drizzling but in between it has been true hot summers and bright scorching sun. At times, it felt the soil was so parched that nothing would grow again. But the rain clouds kept coming back. I have posted some last bits of memorable snapshots catching up with some of the most spectacular sky scenes that tell you stories, from age old times to the new and lets you travel through time zones as you watch them grow and disappear like eventually the entire sky, turning into a wet canvas. Then appearing and soon filling up the entire sky from far and near. The heavy downpours and the in between less heated up times,  lets everything grow, If you have a look at my creepers you can tell how easily they climbed up to another rooftop through the rains, growing green and flowering
 bright yellow. Otherwise, the entire garden stayed quiet until the October sun came up, and started to take over with the yellows and magentas suddenly painting the spaces below with the vast blue expanse above being filled with cumulus clouds like huge fluffs of cotton extending to the horizons or even beyond to timeless zones. We hope that now the sun would be changing to a pre-winter tropical spirit to its milder version with its soft morning glow. Still, hoping the sun and rain would not keep playing this unusual game, that they have been exchanging this particular year so may be we get some smoother weather to look forward to in the days to come ahead.

The fabulous game of October cumulus clouds

The bright colours are coming back as the October sun appears

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