Monday, October 14, 2013

As evening breeze sets in, the fragrance filled blossoms charm the night air

As the evening suddenly became cooler after the sun went down, and the day's heat has been replaced by cooler air from the winds blowing in from the Bay of


Bengal, hopefully the weather is changing! This evening appeared simply magical. Imagine why? When I went up to feel the freshness of the cool evening air, guess what? The special orange-scented white jasmines, or "Kaminis" were in full bloom, swaying in the breeze. And also now the 'Sheuli', jasmine buds were getting ready with their fragrance for night and set to bloom early in the morning. The cooler air and the fragrance filled night made it all feel, magical and mystical. Their perfumes were at there maximum, although the Sheuli buds, hadn't opened up or blossomed yet.  But the Kamini tree(jasmine variety too) was in full bloom, with no space to spare, it was filled with tiny beautiful, white, dainty flowers like the 'Swan Lake' Ballet's tiny ballerinas, in their dancing shoes tip toeing with delicate movements. The fragrance was powerful, sweet scented, magical and mystical or even enchanting, whatever or however one may relate to it, as it blended with the night breeze, it could sweep you off your feet to a fantasy dreamland, or make you with dance with the spirit of the tiny ballerinas in white.....


In  the morning it was again a play of many more whites, competing with themselves and the white clouds above, have a look!!

The white Plumerias, playing with the fluffy clouds, in trying
to reach them, high......

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