Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"The Monsoon Sky" clears away

Before I open the post-monsoon chapters, I would like to share some of the memorable moments from the tropical monsoon season. As this rainy season approaches, the clouds start to build up, one on top of the other, collect all the raindrops to bring in their continuous downpour throughout the monsoons. It is a season when nature thrives and so do we. It touches the hearts of many a writer, poet, artist and at some point each normal soul has been bathed by the spirit of monsoon. It is a season that cleanses the soul. Each year, it comes with a different look, a new beginning as with many other seasons when they change their cloaks. The images displayed below show the enigma and the vastness of the monsoon clouds as they came and left from June through September, 2011. They depicted their magical spirit  continuously and poured in messages from far and near as we shared our joys and sorrows with them and learnt from their experiences. 

 As we move on to the month of October 2011, the last raindrops say goodbye to the monsoons. During the monsoons the white fragrances blossomed, some were remnants from the summer whites. Late monsoons were filled with pure downpour from the heavy monsoon clouds and I didnt get much chance to talk to my smaller plants except draining their water. This evening as the rains slowly disappeared after the first few dry days, I found the last few gardenias still blossoming strong along with the frangipani plumeria bunches in yellow and magenta that were probably searching for some sunlight during the day. I was there late in the evening and the sky was calm and clear with a fresh breeze around. Yes, I am closer to the sky too as my small rooftop garden has this vast expanse at its backdrop. Soon, I will be posting pictures and sharing nature's ways from this small pot plant collection which I love to call our garden under the tropical sun and rain.

Hope you enjoyed as much as I have always been touched by the spirit of the monsoon clouds!

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